Marker Sustainability

All winter athletes share a love of nature. At the same time, winter sport is more greatly affected by the increasing level of pollution to nature and the environment than any other sport. As a result, sustainability and resource conservation are important topics for us here at Marker.

Marker Cruise Touring Binding

The MARKER Cruise touring binding is designed for people who want to step into the fascinating world of ski touring. It comes stacked with well-thought out features to make every tour as comfortable and easy as it can get.

And hey! IT'S GREEN because we’ve used recycled and bio-based plastic wherever possible and reasonable.





During production up to 85% of plastics are bio-based or recycled. Using these composites can significantly reduce CO2 emissions, which is not the case for conventional plastics from fossil sources: Overall, this results in a CO2, saving of approx. 63%.
* Comparison of CO2 emissions between fossil plastic and Cruise's sustainable plastic production.

Recycled plastics are used where possible. They offer the best ecological balance and are found in components with lower stress, such as the brake and heel housing. Bio-based plastics are used in components with maximum mechanical load. They have the same mechanical properties as conventional plastics, have a lower CO2 , footprint and do not consume fossil resources such as oil or natural gas. The bio-based plastics are used, for example, for the climbing aids and the toe piece.